Le berserker désigne un guerrier-fauve qui entre dans une fureur sacrée le rendant surpuissant et capable des plus invraisemblables exploits. Il combattait selon les légendes torse nue, sans armure, avec la force d'un ours.
Berserkers (or berserks) were champion Norse warriors who are primarily reported in Icelandic sagas to have fought in a trance-like fury, a characteristic which later gave rise to the English word berserk. These champions would often go into battle without mail coats
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Berserkers (or berserks) were champion Norse warriors who are primarily reported in Icelandic sagas to have fought in a trance-like fury, a characteristic which later gave rise to the English word berserk. These champions would often go into battle without mail coats
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La version finale, aux yeux de mes proches la plus puissante.
Une première version pas trop appréciée, je la poste qu'en même.
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